Friday, November 21, 2008

Bring me Back

I want to go back to that place where I left my cares behind. Where all that existed for me at that moment in time was him, me and the beautiful bluish green waters of the South China Sea.

I want to experience that sense of freedom again, where the most important decision I had to make was where to have my next meal.

Give me that sensation of peace again. The one I felt so intensely as I was swimming around a little island with him, ungracefully aided by a little orange life vest that ultimately saved me from sunburn.

Hand me that short feeling of panic, and later, wonder, I felt at encountering those harmless, but daunting looking things that our romantic minds imagined as sharks, but in reality could have just been some enormous, exotic fishes.

Take me back to the time that I forgot the world and smiled and laughed without care, right before reality came crashing down on me.


Picture from (click)

1 comment:

lovelylin said...

me tooooooooooo!! tsk tskk.