I know I've been bitching a lot lately, I guess I'm either surrounded by idiots or I'm too intolerant. Here comes another session:
1. Just because someone mentions the word 'malay' or 'islam' does not mean they're racist. So before you place your judgment on them and start screaming out or whispering out loud to someone who's not interested, the word 'racist', rethink. It's probably better that you keep your big mouth shut and duduk diam2.
2. Do you even know the meaning of respect? When someone is giving a speech/conducting a meeting up front, boleh tak DIAM? Ni tak. borak2 macam orang tu invisible, pastu bila kena sound siap nak buat muka2 stress pehal? You're the one who doesn't know how to respect the person in front. Agaknya sebab tu la masa ko practicum students tannak dengar when you're teaching kan?
3. And when you haven't even been listening to someone's hard-prepared speech, what gives you the right to evaluate them as badly as you can? Takkan la it's wrong for someone to lean more towards talking about religion in their speech? To me, it's fine, as long as he's not biased or memerli menyakitkan hati, but you don't know that, do you? Because you were busy BITCHING kat belakang and menyakitkan hati semua orang around you. Am I right?
4.And who are you to talk anyway? You've been biased towards people just because of little flaws they have. Come on la. Kita semua humans ok? I always try to remember that no matter how badly a person behaves. We all make mistakes, we're all not perfect. I really don't find it necessary for anyone to make fun of someone incessantly and repeatedly just because they're fat/too thin/whatever flaws lah. Macamla ko tu hensem sangat. Just because ramai orang nak kat kau, tak semestinya kau good-looking dalam luar ok? Kalau camni perangai tak tau la kenapa pompuan tu nak kat kau sebenarnye.
5. Boleh tak jangan sakitkan hati orang? Your jokes are NOT FUNNY. If people fail to laugh, then take a hint and stop insisting on people to listen to what you have to say. Ni tak. Suka critique orang, tapi tanak pulak yang membina, kutuk je lebih. Depan2 pulak tu. Get a life la tolong sikit.
6. Jangan main cakap orang tu orang ni kaya plis. Kalau ye pon bukan diorang yang kaya. mak bapak/husband/wife/atok/nenek/pakcik/makcik diorang yang banyak duit, bukan duit diorang pon. If ye pon memang duit diorang, and diorang dapat cara halal, with hard work and strife, apa ko nak sibuk tension2 perli2? Eleh, macam aku tak tau ko beli videocam baru, kereta proton baru, semua duit mak bapak ko kan? Kereta proton tu siap tukar rim, tuka upholstery, takde pon orang nak perli2 kau. Orang diam je, because we all know it's your rezeki. Jangan la nak dengki2 sampai question orang tu orang ni "Ko boleh ke makan kat sini? Ye la, mamak je kan?" tak ke tercekik minah depan ko tu? bodoh.
7. Dahla tu. stop being so fake. We all know what you're really like, cuma taknak cakap je takut it'll affect your studies. See? You've been such an arse, but people are still thinking of your studies. Sedar diri sikit, please.
Ish. tak suka geram2 camni but when people act like idiots, and there's no way to tell them, because it might affect them badly, then this seems to be the only option of letting out whatever stress there is.
aiyooo..betul2 marahhh aaaaa..
geram aje... nanti cite ekkkk?
Takpe... Habis sem je.... kita PUKUL!!!
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