Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Sometimes, I don't understand women, though I am one myself. Love plays a big part in most women's life, as does mine. What I don't understand is how some women can let love dominate completely without thinking of what the consequences may be.

I've come across so many cases of women letting their significant others do with them as they please, and claiming to be in love with them anyway. Some examples:

Case one:
They've been together for a few years. They've broken up a few times, mostly initiated by the guy, who tells others that he is bored of her. Yet, they get back together again and again. He comes and goes as he pleases. He calls her when he is feeling lonely and orders (bukan requests ye, ORDERS) her to go away when he doesn't feel like hanging out with her. She stays anyway, because she thinks that no one else will want her.

Case two:
He is cheating on her with someone else. Friends have told her this, and yet she refuses to believe them, claiming that they're trying to break up a beautiful relationship.

Case three:
He cheated on her three times. She took him back again and again, although she KNOWS this guy is not to be trusted. Friends told her to leave and she said "Easier said than done. I love him". Finally in her most desperate hour, right when she needed him the most, he abandons her and asks another guy to help her out. Now she's in love with the other guy and the cheating arse decides to come back and try to ruin her life by trying to claim her back. She regrets the four years she was with this asshole.

Case four:
He beats her up, makes her do his laundry even though he's living with his mother and refuses to see her when he doesn't feel like it. Often times, she comes to work with thick makeup on because of the bruises.

Case five:
She's working, he's not. He refuses to get a job, and when he does, can never keep it for more than a week, max. She gives him money for food. He mooches off friends as well, staying at their place without paying rent and finishing up their food. They plan to get married.

Case six:
He's a known philanderer, she's a university student. They've slept together a few times. She got pregnant, tells him it's his. He stops seeing her. She goes psycho. One day, he calls her up and asks her to go on a trip with him, promising that he had changed and wanted to make things better for the three of them (plus the baby). She gets excited, goes with him, gets anal raped and suffers a miscarriage. He posts naked pictures of her on facebook, dumps her and gets on with the next conquest.

Why do these women stay around men like these? It's not like they can't find another man out there who can treat them heaps better. I say it's selfishness. I know. It's ironic, right? They think they're sacrificing for the one they love, and yet, I think they're just selfish.

Do they think about the fact that they're worrying the people who REALLY love them? Family? Close friends? No.

They only think about how much they love this guy and how THEY can't live without HIM. How, without HIM, they won't be able to find someone else.

And they're totally wrong.

If they'd only stop thinking of themselves for maybe a few minutes, they'll see that life has so much more to offer. Love has so much more to offer than a lifetime of disappointments, missed dates, wasted money, physical and emotional bruises and heartache.

If you're a girl and something in this post rings a bell, then maybe you're one of those girls who got themselves caught up in this situation. The guy is not worth it, trust me.

If you're a guy and you feel angry at me for writing this post, then maybe you're one of 'those' guys who mistreat your significant others. Maybe you should stop breaking her heart and become a better man for her before it's too late.

Before she finds someone a hundred times better and decides to move on. Before you realise that you just lost the greatest gift life has ever given you.

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