Friday, July 24, 2009

Episode 2

This pakcik guard memang tak habis2 tau.

Today, my husband left early because he had a meeting, so I had to hitch a ride with a friend. I came down to wait for her, and the minute I got out of the lift, I came face to face with the guard.

Remember him? I wrote about him in this post. Anyway, I ignored him and went over to sit at the chairs in the lobby to wait for my friend. I did notice, however, that there was another guard there. I heard them talking, quite loudly, but I couldn't be arsed to eavesdrop lah, takde kerja.

And then, the other guard came walking past, and guess what? he was giving me this god-awful sneer. The whole time. Then he looked back at the original asshole pakcik and smiled.

Conclusion: The pakcik on the never-ending donkey which he thinks is a high horse must've said something about me.

Bravo, self-righteous arses. You've succeeded in ruining a portion of my morning, but let me tell you, you haven't ruined my Friday, because you know what? I've done nothing wrong. Suka hati lah kau nak cakap aku apa pun. Aku tau aku tak salah.

Sure, you can say that I'm paranoid, and maybe I am. But I do know that when someone sneers at you like that, it's not an accident. And when they actually exchange smirk looks, something IS going on.

But whatever.

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