Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Darlings

These beautiful girls are my sisters. I know they look older than me, but they're actually younger than me. Perasan kan? Biarla, It's not everyday I get to be perasan. Siapa suruh diorang pegi jadi lagi tinggi drpd saya?

Anyway, I digress. I love these two girls sangat sangat sangat. One is pursuing her degree in the east coast, which is as far away as i hope any of them will ever be from me. The other one decided to surprise me one fine day, all finished with SPM, all fabulous and tall and beautiful and not the little annoying baby with pudgy cute little fingers anymore that i used to stare at whenever she was asleep.

Sure, we had our little sibling fights dulu2 sampai baling kotak tissue and pukul2 and "bodoh"s semua, but they're still my bestest ever friends and I sayang them with all my heart. :)

1 comment:

aiDieNa said...

A sweet word from a sister.. :)