Sunday, March 7, 2010

Of butchers and hair.

I chopped my hair off yesterday. Or rather, I let my trusted hairdresser cut it off butcher it for me. And then I had a nervous breakdown.

See, I wanted my hair cut short, but I trusted her enough to know the limit according to me face shape, etc, etc. And trust me, usually she DOES. She'd tell me stuff like how she's gonna do it like this or like that, or stay within a certain length because it would suit me better and whatnot. This time around, she showed me a picture and because I liked the shape of the cut, I said yes, knowing, in full confidence, that she would alter it accordingly.

What happened?

1. The final product looked absolutely nothing like the picture, i.e: she chopped my bangs when the cut called for my bangs to be left untouched and the shape was totally different from what I had seen in the picture.

2. She ignored my repeated calls of "I don't want my face to look round" and must've heard something like "PLEASE make my face look as round as you possibly can. The more spherical, the better. Don't spare the roundness!" and thus I looked like a globe from the sides, front AND back.

3. She cut it WAYYYYY too short. And i mean TOO short. Like almost unsalvageable short.

Naturally, like my mom and aunt before me who also made the very same mistake, I panicked, had a nervous breakdown. And instead of the usual gradual getting used to new hair process that usually happens within the same day that one chops their locks off, I had this urge to kill myself whenever I happened to see a mirror.

I called my aunt and she directed me to her usual hairstylist, an Alvin of Peek-A-Boo, the guy who salvaged HER hair chopping mess when she went through it, and I made an appointment right away.

Just as I thought, the first thing he said when I told him of my plight was: It's too short. He refused to make it shorter because it doesn't suit me and instead, suggested a body perm and merely reshaped the style into a less-helmet-like look.

I guess it's too late to do anything about the length now but it's a whole step up better than the walking disaster that I was yesterday.

I'd say it's time for a new butcher hairstylist.

Bye bye Julie, I know you styled my mom's hair and mine for so many years, but this recent fiasco totally broke my trust in you. Hello Alvin.

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