Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Once upon a time, I used to scoff at online forums. Now, no more. I have learnt my lesson and I now see the virtues of having people contribute their experiences. And I'm talking about the laymen here. You and me. Recently, my boss asked me to look up the information needed to apply for a grant from a governmental institution, and obviously, I panicked. Three days in, and I already have to run around the agencies? I was ready to cry, but my very nice colleague helped me through some stuff. Still, it was very difficult trying to get certain information.

I decided to look it up online and chanced upon a forum on, talking about the very thing I was supposed to apply for. I read through every single piece on the thread, and, from a clueless, panicked person who was supposed to go to the agency the very next day in order to clarify some things about the form, I began to understand what I needed to know and managed to whip up a whole list of questions. I also began to understand why some things were required.

I am eternally grateful to the contributors of that particular thread for giving selfless advice and tips. I really hope I do my first REAL company-associated task well. I guess it's true what some people say. In order for someone to learn, sometimes its best to throw them into the deep end and let them experience it for themselves firsthand.

I wonder what else is going to be thrown my way, or rather, in which other direction of the water am I going to be thrown into?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

learn from ya past...

really agreee about

"sometimes its best to throw them into the deep end and let them experience it for themselves firsthand"