Sunday, October 31, 2010

Where am I Headed?

This past weekend was basically spent catching up with old friends. One had just graduated and is now home after spending 3 years abroad and another one had just decided to take the next step.

Talking to them, I realised that they have both lined up their plans so nicely in front of them. They're both going somewhere. One has a great career up ahead, and has a 5-year plan - save money, send his parents off for Haji, and then pursue his Masters degree locally with the possibility of taking a job abroad after a few years.

The other one already has a pretty good career, is already planning for the next step, and also has the opportunity to advance his career abroad.

Where does that leave me? I love the course I'm taking right now, but realistically speaking, the one thing I've learnt is that the industry I've got myself in is not a strong one in Malaysia. I would love to try and get experience in a country which is way more advanced in this particular industry, but would they even consider someone like me?

Growing up, I always thought I'd be somebody, that I'd make a change. In fact, I always talked about it with one of the friends that I mentioned earlier. We used to discuss how we'd like to be different and not be afraid to follow our dreams.

It seems to me that he's really on his way.

And as happy as I am where I'm standing right now, a part of me thinks that it's not really enough for me. Not just yet.

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