Friday, January 2, 2009

Nova Familia

When I entered this new family of mine about a year and a month ago, I was filled with insecurities, nervousness and low self-esteem about how I was going to adjust and fit in. True enough, I had a difficult time adjusting since the family was so different from my own.

While some values are the same, they go by certain different principles, have different expectations for their children and, ultimately, their children's spouses (I'm using the term "children" loosely to refer to offspring, young or old).

People I thought I'd be able to fit in with turned out the other way around and those who I thought I'd never be able to get close to are now the people I care very much about.

My earlier days were filled with attempts at small talk that just, in the end, dwindled to awkward silences, despite my husband's attempts at making light of the situation.

In lieu of current events, though, I've become much more comfortable with the family, valuing little chats and conversations that I have with my mother-in-law in her attempts at educating me with the ways of the world.

I'm glad that I can now sit downstairs and feel at home nowadays, since it makes me feel like I'm finally part of the family. It took a lot of unexpected events(both good and bad) and a whole year for me to feel this way, but I'm glad that I finally, finally do.

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