Friday, January 23, 2009


Let me tell you a little bit about my cat. Her name was Isabel, she was a mother of two. When she was a kitten, her mom was sent to the vet to be neutered. When she came back, she decided to shun her three adorable kittens and the poor little ones were left heartbroken and confused as to why their mom hated them.

So when Isabel got kittens of her own and my uncle sent her off to the vet for the same procedure as soon as they stopped depending on her milk, we were worried sick that she was going to neglect them just as her mom had done to her.

Apparently, we were wrong. Isabel came back tired but she still loved her kittens as much as she did before she left. It was as if she was determined that she wouldn't walk in her mother's footsteps. To those who don't like cats, that may seem silly, but those who do and have at least one, you'll get what I mean when I say that cats have personalities once you've been around them long enough.

Anyway, his went on until her kittens grew up. One died, but the other two are still alive and very much active. She'd let them eat first even when she was hungry and she'd give them little baths although they were far too old for them.

Her death came as a shock because she was healthy. She was just found lying there in our compound, with just a bit of blood around her, but otherwise, there were no other signs of injury.

I'm horribly allergic to cats, but I loved her to bits.

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