Sunday, January 11, 2009


I think I wrote about this ages ago in my old blog when people kept sending me e-mails telling me to boycott Danish products. Believe it or not, those e-mails are still circulating today. My husband just got one a few days ago from a friend of his.

Here's what I think about it: Boycotts don't work. Why?


When the economy goes down, who are the first who goes down with it?
The poor. Definitely. The rich may get annoyed that they're not getting as much money, but they'll still have a stash of it somewhere. That's why they're rich.

So stupidly, when you boycott a certain country's products, you're actually making it worse for the poor. In Denmark's case, where the muslim population is a minority, you might be making it worse for your own people.

Of course, some ignorant people say it's alright to do this as long as you get to the rich. Hello? So what you're saying is, collateral damage is fine right? So when you get a gun and see a rich Danish or an American in Malaysia, you'd shoot and not care if the guy was innocent?

It means that all those things that happened in Iraq all those years ago where innocent bystanders were killed in bombings and attacks is fine, as long as the militants that were aimed at dies.

Also, go here for more reasons.

1 comment:

.:nani:. said...

i really with you zurin..mati la kalo sume bende nak left with burger ramly je la =P LOL

hope working world is treating u good! =)