Thursday, June 25, 2009

Girl Admits to Have Asked for the 56 Stars on her Face

Okay, I have to let this out before I say anything more, but, seriously, what a brat!

For those of you who don't know the news, a teenage girl went to a tattoo parlour to have stars tattooed on her face. 56 of them. Obviously, she looks like a freak, went home and her father hits the ceiling.

What does she do? She freaks out and tells everyone that she fell asleep during the process and woke up with those 56 stars on her face. She claimed that she had only asked for three and vowed to sue the tattooist for inflicting the hideous stars onto her face.

The tattooist, of course, in self defence, claimed that she HAD asked for all 56 stars and was wide awake during the whole process, but decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. Since she was an unsatisfied customer, he offered to pay for half of the cost of the surgery to get those stars removed.

Guess what? The girl just came out with a statement, admitting that, she, indeed, asked for 56 stars and not 3. The reason she lied was because her father freaked out.

Obviously, the tattooist withdrew the offer to pay for removal of those infamous stars.

Padan muka, and seriously la, learn to take responsibility for your own stupidity, please. Menyusahkan orang lain aje.

In case you feel like reading the rest of the article and seeing the picture of the little idiot, click here.

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