Monday, December 29, 2008


I have a job interview tomorrow.

I pray that I get it, because it seems to be a position that will give me VERY valuable experience for what I plan to do with my life.

So dear friends, if you're reading this, please help me doa that I will be the one considered for the job and outshine the other 4 who were called for the interview.

Wish me luck!


.:nani:. said...

all the best zurin..moga2 dapat apa yg di inginkan.. Amin =)

xoxo , nani

the younger safynaz kazem said...

all the best and i pray u get what u want and u pray too..and if, god forbids, u do not get it, that means He up there has better plans for u ;) so have fun and break a leg? ROFL

Nad said... btl ckp aku bleh dpt nye..