Saturday, September 27, 2008


I've been spending what was left of the working week in my (parent's) house in SS2, since this weekend, my husband and I are due at his parent's place, and later on, raya in Muar, his hometown.
As I was 'salam'-ing my grand aunt before we left, she said something with that sad look on her face that finally made it hit home: "Jumpa petang raya ya?". It hit me that for the first time, I won't be spending the morning of raya with my family. A wave of sadness crashed into me then, and I went over to Papa trying had to withhold whatever emotions I felt. He must've felt it too, though, because this was the first time, since I got married, that he walked us to the gate. I know that it can never compare to that feeling one gets when one is hundreds or thousands of miles away from home during raya, but it's sad, nonetheless.
I'm not a little girl anymore.

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