Name: Hana Amira
DOB: Wednesday, 10th August 2011, 1.52pm
Weight at birth: 2.86kg
Chronology of Events:
I started feeling very mild contractions on the 9th in the late afternoon, only I didn't know they were contractions at the time. We had friends over for iftar that day, and we joked around about how the baby might come while we were eating. I started timing the pain, and they seemed to come at regular intervals but I couldn't be sure, and since they weren't all that painful, I thought that maybe I had a case of wind. After saying goodbye to our friends, we cleared up and went to sleep.
3.00am - I woke up because the pain was more intense. I still didn't realise they were contractions. I thought I ate something bad and had to go to the bathroom, but then I noticed period-like blood, and then it hit me that this was it. I woke Epol up and we got ready and took off.
4.00am - I was admitted to the labour suite of Pantai Hospital, KL, at which point they started monitoring my contractions and the baby's heartbeat.
It's all a blur between then and the actual delivery. I remember certain events, but I don't remember the time they happened. There was a lot of pain involved. And some rage on my part. But basically -
My mom arrived, and I was in too much pain at that point, so they gave me a jab and I drifted in and out of sleep. My personal view is that the jab did absolutely nothing to ease any of the pain, it just made me sleepy and drowsy.
The doctor came in at some point and saw that I was in a lot of pain, told the nurse to give me the Entonox. She handed me the thingy and told me to just inhale whenever I felt the contractions.
After a few hours of inhaling, and the gas not helping at all, I asked if it was too late to ask for an epidural. Obviously, it was too late because I was around 8cm dilated at that point. I was in so much pain that I was delirious. I found the nurse super annoying because my body kept telling me to push, but she was telling me (in her obnoxiously loud, bingit voice) not to. I yelled at her, and then she thought to check the Entonox.
As it turned out, I had been inhaling NOTHING for the past few hours because the genius nurse who handed me the gas thingy had not switched the damn thing on. Not only was there not painkilling gas to help me, I was also operating on less oxygen sebab I literally had the thing plastered to my face the whole time in anticipation of the contractions.
So she finally switched it on. But it also did absolutely nothing for the pain. Lol.
At around 1, I was fully dilated, and although the doctor hadn't arrived yet, he gave the go ahead for the nurse to get me ready and prompt me to push, since I kept pushing before I was ready.
As it turned out, the lack of food and oxygen meant that I had absolutely no strength. The doctor could see the baby's head coming out when I did push, but then when I stopped, she'd go back in. They put the heartbeat monitor back on, which showed that my baby's heartbeat had gone below 100 bpm, obviously not a good thing.
At that point, the doctor decided to vacuum her out.
When they finally put her on my tummy, I was too stunned to realise what was going on until seconds later.
But Alhamdulillah, she came out perfect, safe and sound, no thanks to her mummy yang takde energy langsung ni! :P
1 comment:
Assalamualaikum Hana Amira :) Aunty sarah cant wait to meet you!
Babe, reading your birth experience, makes me more anxious! teheeee
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