Thursday, July 21, 2011

35 weeks

1. The baby's weight is estimated to be around 2.18kgs - and apparently she's small for her age.

2. The mommy's weight gain is now 10kgs. Just a few days ago I was telling one of my besties that I've gained less than 10kgs. *nangis*

3. I've managed to book us a place at an antenatal class for next week. This comes pretty late since there's always a chance the baby decides to come out early, but at least I won't have to take refresher courses, since it's near the due date.

4. My OBGYN advised me against fasting during Ramadhan. He says that it will affect the baby. I'm a little disappointed because that will mean that I'll really be missing out this year. No puasa, no raya and a whole month of puasa to replace. But I guess it's worth it, for the sake of the little one.

5. I've also managed to confirm a confinement lady, which is a HUGE relief because I started asking around at the last minute, and I noticed that there seem to be a lot of women due around the same time I am.

And that's about it :)

1 comment:

lovelylin said...

dont worry abt the baby's weight babe, she will gain weight when she grows up. dont compare mcm tu, H is giving u a sign that she's not the average ;).