Friday, June 5, 2009

Emotional Infidelity

Emotional Infidelity. The very word means that whoever committing the act is CHEATING on their significant other. A lot of people fail to recognise the signs, or, simply, refuse to acknowledge them in an attempt to fool themselves into thinking they are doing no harm to anyone.

Well, they're wrong. Infidelity of the emotions is every bit as harmful as physical infidelity. Worse, in fact. There are, in reality, three forms of cheating. Infidelity which involves only emotions, one that is purely physical and nothing else, and one that is a mix of both. Needless to say, when someone is already in a mix of both, then they've already landed themselves in trouble.

The symptoms are basically similar everytime. You tell this person your problems. He/She is the first person you think of when you're in trouble. You talk and have a lot of chemistry, and you have hidden feelings for him/her and is sure he/she reciprocates. You go out for drinks and movies and meals and you tell yourself that it is totally harmless, totally platonic. And yet, deep down, you sometimes wish that this was your significant other. Not your current boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife.

If you are experiencing the above, then, congratulations (or NOT), you are emotionally cheating.

Emotional infidelity always seems to fall into a grey area. You're not sleeping with the person, you just enjoy his/her company, sometimes more than you do your significant other. So a lot of people don't consider it cheating.

Consider this: You have feelings for this person. You wish he/she were your significant other. You think of this person more than you think of your loved one.

as opposed to:

You sleep with this person purely for sex, nothing else. No feelings. You just wanna have fun, but you are deeply in love with your significant other.

A lot of people would say the latter is more harmful. In reality, they're both equally bad.

It's like this. My husband once told me about a recent X-Men comic he read.

For those of you unfamiliar with X-men, they are a bunch of mutants with superpowers, mind control and such. Among them are Cyclops and his wife, Jean Grey (a powerful telepath)

I may have the context slightly wrong, but this is something along the lines of how the story goes. Jean tries to find her husband with her telepathy one day, but he is nowhere to be found. There is one more character in the comics called Emma Frost, who is basically a slut. Jean's intuitions finally lead her to Emma's mind, where, she finally finds her husband.

It doesn't sound that bad, does it?

Not until you take into account that the scene Jean Grey sees (as portrayed in the comics) in Emma Frost's mind is that of Emma and Cyclops in bed together, naked.

Put two and two together, and it's clear that although there are a lot of people who think emotional infidelity is innocent, many others, like me, have the strong opinion that when you're forming emotional ties with someone else who is NOT your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife, you are, essentially, committing ADULTERY OF THE MIND.

You're only hurting yourself and the ones you supposedly love.

Think about it.

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